What is IQ means: All the Juicy Details You Never Knew About Intelligence Quotient. What It Means, How It's Measured, and What It Tells Us

Published at: 16 February, 2023 by Brain's Quotient


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What is IQ means?

IQ (intelligence quotient) is a term that is often used to describe a person's cognitive abilities and potential. It is a measure that has been the subject of much interest and debate, both in the scientific community and in popular culture. IQ is a measure of a person's intellectual abilities, which includes reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. It is often used to predict a person's potential for success in academic and professional pursuits. IQ tests are standardized measures of intelligence that are designed to assess a person's cognitive abilities in relation to their peers.

How is IQ measured?

There are many different types of IQ tests, but they all aim to measure a person's ability to reason and solve problems. Some common IQ tests include the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children.

IQ scores are calculated by comparing a person's test results with the scores of a representative sample of the population. The average IQ score is set at 100, and scores above or below this number indicate above or below average intelligence, respectively. IQ scores are generally distributed along a bell curve, with the majority of people scoring in the average range (IQ 90-110) and fewer people scoring in the higher or lower ranges.

What can IQ tell us about a person?

High IQ scores are often associated with success in academic and professional pursuits. People with high IQ scores are often described as intelligent, smart, or gifted, and they may be more likely to excel in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). However, IQ scores do not guarantee success in these fields, and they do not account for other forms of intelligence or skills.

IQ scores can also be used to identify individuals who may have cognitive or developmental disabilities. For example, children with low IQ scores may be referred for special education services, while adults with low IQ scores may be evaluated for intellectual disabilities or other cognitive impairments.

What are the limitations of IQ testing?

Despite its usefulness, IQ testing is not without controversy. One major criticism of IQ testing is that it can be influenced by cultural and environmental factors. IQ tests are often designed by and for people from certain cultures, and they may not be equally applicable or fair to people from other cultures. This can result in biased test results that may not accurately reflect a person's cognitive abilities.

Another criticism of IQ testing is that it does not account for other forms of intelligence or skills. Some experts argue that intelligence is a multifaceted and dynamic construct that cannot be reduced to a single number. For example, emotional intelligence, creativity, and social skills are all important facets of human intelligence that are not measured by IQ tests. Therefore, IQ scores should not be seen as the only measure of a person's intellectual abilities or potential.

It is also important to note that IQ tests are not foolproof. Some people may perform poorly on IQ tests due to factors such as anxiety, test-taking skills, or simply not feeling motivated to perform their best. On the other hand, some people may perform well on IQ tests but still struggle with real-world problem-solving or decision-making.

IQ testing still remains a valuable tool in many contexts even exist of these limitaions. In education, IQ tests can be used to identify students who may need extra support or advanced academic programs. In clinical psychology, IQ tests can help diagnose cognitive and developmental disorders. In research, IQ tests can be used to investigate the relationship between intelligence and various outcomes, such as academic achievement, job performance, or health.

Online IQ Assessment Tools and Services

There are several online IQ assessment services available, but it's important to keep in mind that online tests may not be as accurate or reliable as those administered by a trained professional. That being said, here are a few online IQ assessment services you could consider:

  • Mensa International

    Mensa is a high-IQ society that requires applicants to score in the top 2% on a standardized IQ test. They offer an online test for a fee that can be used as a qualifying test for Mensa membership.

  • Brain's Quotient

    This website offers IQ test that takes about 25 minutes to complete and provides an instant result at the end. It employs the Figure Reasoning Test, which is based on Raven's Progressive Matrices, a non-verbal test that is widely accepted worldwide to assess the IQ.

  • 123test.com

    This website provides the IQ test that takes about 10 minutes to complete. It includes questions on spatial reasoning, logic, and math.


In conclusion, IQ is a measure of a person's cognitive abilities and potential that is often used to predict success in academic and professional pursuits. However, IQ scores should not be seen as the only measure of a person's intelligence or potential, as they do not account for other important facets of human intelligence. Moreover, IQ tests can be influenced by cultural and environmental factors, and they do not always accurately reflect a person's real-world problem-solving or decision-making abilities. Despite these limitations, IQ testing remains a valuable tool in many contexts, and it can provide important insights into a person's cognitive strengths and weaknesses.


  • IQ (intelligence quotient) is a measure of a person's cognitive abilities and potential.
  • There are different tests used to determine IQ levels, but they all aim to measure a person's reasoning, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills.
  • IQ scores are generally distributed along a bell curve, with the majority of people scoring in the average range (IQ 90-110) and fewer people scoring in the higher or lower ranges.
  • High IQ scores are often associated with success in academic and professional pursuits, but they do not guarantee happiness, creativity, or emotional intelligence.
  • IQ tests are not without controversy, as they can be influenced by cultural and environmental factors, and they do not account for other forms of intelligence or skills.
  • Some experts argue that intelligence is a multifaceted and dynamic construct that cannot be reduced to a single number.
  • However, IQ testing remains a valuable tool in many contexts, such as education, clinical psychology, and research.
  • Online IQ Assesment Tools and Services: Mensa Intenational, Brain's Quotient, and 123test.com
